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Acer griseum is always in short supply due to very slow growth rate and unique characteristics. Its ultimate size is quite variable depending on soil and site conditions with width typically less than its height in an upright-oval form. A key ornamental feature is its beautiful exfoliating cinnamon colored bark. Trifoliate leaves are dark green in summer, turning a motley of red, bronze, and red in fall.
'Bloodgood' is likely the most popular upright, large-leaved, tree form Japanese maple grown in this country. It is highly hardy with good sun tolerance, keeping almost black-red color well into late summer. Its success is attributed to the strong growth and upright habit.
Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' is a striking slow-growing Japanese maple renowned for its vibrant foliage. This cultivar features deeply lobed, red to crimson leaves that provide stunning color throughout the growing season. In spring and summer, the foliage exhibits a rich red hue that intensifies to a fiery crimson in autumn.
Acer palmatum 'Emperor I' is a fast-growing upright Japanese maple with deeply lobed, dark red to burgundy leaves that maintain their rich color throughout the growing season and turn vibrant shades of red and orange in autumn. Leafs out 2-3 weeks earlier than 'Bloodgood', which helps avoid frost damage.
Deep red-purple foliage lasts well into the summer before turning deep green in summer to crimson in fall. Leaves have 5-7 lobes with deep sinuses. Grows upright when young, becoming broader with age.
'Seiryu' is vigorous for a Japanese maple. It has an upright arching habit with finely dissected light green leaves that do not scorch in full sun. Dark brown-green bark. Spectacular fall colors range from gold to light yellow with shades of crimson in most leaves to a wonderful bronze-brown before falling. If you are looking for a change from the red dissectums, this is it!
In the trade, 'Viridis' has come to mean any dissectum that is green and holds all the characteristics of the red dissectums indicated by atropurpureum. It seems to take sun very well; we have seen 'Viridis' take western sun and 100 degree weather and love it. Very old specimens can reach 12' H x 12-15' W.
One of the most popular A. palmatums. 'Crimson Queen's great strengths have been being almost sunburn proof, persistent deep red foliage, and its naturally weeping/mounding/cascading habit. New leaves emerge bright crimson red that may hold through the growing season or fade to red/bronze in the summer, before turning fiery scarlet in autumn.
Acer palmatum var. dissectum atropurpureum 'Garnet' is a compact japanese maple prized for its lacy garnet foliage when grown in full sun. If placed in shade, the foliage will develop a greenish cast. Fall color is scarlet red.
'Inabe Shidare' has large leaves for a dissectum and incredible deep purple-red foliage that holds all summer. Fall color is brick red, often brighter than other cultivars. It is a vigorous grower.
A beautiful orange leaved A. palmatum cultivar. New leaves emerge orange-red, fade over time to greenish purple, then return to a vibrant orange in the fall. Great specimen or accent plant.
A compact, slow-growing, dissected cultivar that typically matures over time in an upright-pendulous mound to 6-8' tall. Seven-lobed leaves are deeply cut to the leaf base, emerge bright cherry red in spring and mature to burgundy red in summer before finally changing to crimson red in fall. Leaves retain good color throughout the growing season.
'Tamukeyama' has crimson young foliage that matures to purple-red, holding color well throughout the summer. Leafs out slightly later than other cultivars. Growth is also more upright than other cultivars.
An upright, tightly formed, narrow red maple with columnar-pyramidal top. Beautiful fall color is yellow-red with red mid-veins.
'October Glory' and its cousin 'Red Sunset' seem to consistantly win all the popularity contests for fall color. 'October Glory' is similar to the species except has better form and holds its brilliant orange to red fall leaves longer.
One of the very best red maples, 'Red Sunset' has a pyramidal to rounded outline with excellent orange to red fall color. It may be more cold hardy than other red maples.
A wide-spreading multi-stemmed shrub with excellent branching structure. White flowers appear on 8-12" long panicles June through July. This is an outstanding summer flowering plant, few can compete. Foliage is medium to dark green in summer, and a good yellow fall color. Deer and disease resistant
A beautiful specimen shrub with emerald green foliage that provides goregous maroon-red fall color. A deciduous plant with yellow flower spikes on the branch tips in spring.
Aesculus x carnea, commonly known as Red Horsechestnut, is a cross between A. pavia and A. hippocastanum. 'Briotii' has 10" dark red flowers that bloom late spring. It is widely adaptable to soil types, but does best in deep well drained soils. We have single stem and shrub form in production.
Aesculus x carnea, commonly known as Red Horsechestnut, is a cross between A. pavia and A. hippocastanum. This cultivar was originally selected on the ground of Fort McNair in Washington D.C for its foliage and pink flowers with yellow throats. Is thought to be more resistant to leaf blotch.
Aesculus x carnea 'Ruby', commonly known as Red Horse Chestnut, is a deciduous tree celebrated for its showy, upright clusters of deep pink to red flowers in late spring. Its glossy, dark green foliage transitions to golden yellow in autumn, adding seasonal interest. 'Ruby' forms a broad, rounded crown that makes a striking focal point in landscapes and parks.